The C2IR2 makes use of imaging and informatics infrastructure located at the Washington University School of Medicine in support of co-clinical studies.
Human & Mouse Linked Evaluation of Tumors core of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)
The mission of the Human and Mouse Linked Evaluation of Tumors (HAMLET) Core is to promote understanding of the biology and genetics of Human Breast Cancer, and to provide better preclinical models for the validation of new treatment and imaging approaches.
Preclinical Imaging Facility
The Pre-Clinical Imaging Facility is a core facility in the Department of Radiology for small and large animal positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) imaging studies . Animal models of disease such as in mice and rats have become an indispensable part of research for the development of new imaging probes and validation of novel therapy drugs. To support this research endeavor, The Facility provides investigators with the tools and expertise to gather reliable and reproducible data.
CCIR – Human Imaging
Center for Clinical Imaging Research
The Center for Clinical Imaging Research (CCIR) is a centralized, hospital-based facility that provides access to advanced imaging resources and support for a large number of clinical investigators. Located on the 10th floor of the West Pavilion of Barnes-Jewish Hospital, the CCIR provides the latest in advanced imaging technologies, equipment and expertise to support basic and translational inpatient and outpatient clinical research.
Central Neuroimaging Data Archive
The Central Neuroimaging Data Archive (CNDA) is a resource for managing study data collected by the Washington University neuroimaging community. It includes a secure database, automated pipelines for processing managed data, and tools for exploring and accessing the data. Access to data in the CNDA is restricted to users authorized by the specific study’s investigators. The CNDA is hosted by the Neuroinformatics Research Group.
Small-Animal Magnetic Resonance Facility
The Small-Animal Magnetic Resonance Facility in the Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory (BMRL) has state-of-the-art facilities and equipment found at few laboratories in the world. The Facility houses 4.7-T and 11.74-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems with magnetic field strengths substantially higher than generally encountered in clinical systems.